Demand is increasing for ghost mannequin or neck joint work for the photographers, e-commerce service provider, newspaper, magazine advertisement etc. This technique is required specifically for garment products. You can take your business to another level by applying this technique. Your sells can increase like that never happened before. Not only for garment products but also it can be used for jewelry. Recently research shows that when a picture of a product is shown on a mannequin doll then it distracts the focus from the main object.
The same rules apply when you capture the picture of the product by hanging it on a hanger or you lay it in the floor. The thing is the image will not be attracting. So, for making your products appealing you need to apply this neck joint technique. You can make your product more attracting and more acceptable by using this method.
Are you looking for a ghost mannequin service in USA,UK, Canada, Singapore , New zealand, Malaysia ? If yes, then you can get in touch with our team of professionals who will provide you the best quality service. The ghost mannequin service helps you to increase your sells and also helps to create a strong brand image. Ghost mannequin is a creative idea to take perfect pictures.It is very beneficial for the photographers, e-commerce service provider, newspaper, magazine advertisement etc.
Ghost Mannequin Effect
Nowadays, Mannequins are being used instead of a human for creating a 3d effect of various clothing product items in the purpose of making catalogs and online use. Here clothing product indicates shirts, trousers, jacket, cardigan, swimsuits, lingerie, etc. Like we said before, it also used for jewelry. It doesn’t matter what kind of product is this, at the final stage you have to remove the background also with the mannequin. This is the basic concept for the Ghost Mannequin effect.
When you remove the mannequin it gives a horror or spiritual look. That’s why it is called the Ghost Mannequin Effect. It is also known as the Invisible Mannequin Effect. The same effect can be created by using a transparent mannequin. Even you use Transparent Mannequin after shooting the photo you may need photo editing anyway. In this reason,
For saving time and money people avoid expensive transparent mannequins. The logic behind it is, photo editing is more affordable.
Different types of Neck Joint Services
There are different types of Neck Joint Service. Let’s have a look at how many types of Neck Joint Service you can get from us:
Actually, it’s done when mannequin been removed from the neck. Two pictures of the front part and back part are required and visual fashioners expel mannequin holding empty or spooky impact. Cutting way with pen instrument and Photoshop condense device is connected. A dark shadow is additionally connected to accomplish reality.
Sleeves Joint Service
If you have long sleeves types’ shirt then this service is for you. Like neck joint administration, the originators were likewise evacuating mannequin and apply shadows to get appropriate empty and 3D impacts. It builds the item magnificence. Just master visual architects can accomplish the most noteworthy quality with most recent Photoshop instruments.
360° Ghost Mannequin
Our expert designer removes the mannequin for creating ghost effect. It not only increase product beauty but also helps it to become more acceptable. This effect helps the customer a way to inspect the details of your products.
Bottom Joint Service
Some types of garments product have a long back part than its front part. For getting hollow effect mannequin used here by the photographer. After that, graphic designers erase the mannequin and then merge different parts to fill up the empty areas. You can accelerate your sales by applying this service
For getting a ghost mannequin 3d effect, you have to shoot the normal mannequins wearing garment items from a different angle. You need to shoot the neck bottom, inner parts, and sleeves separately. Then simply send it to us and we will customize it. We will remove the mannequin and merge other parts in one Photoshop. Besides this, we also erase dust, dark spots, and any kind of unexpected wrinkle. Besides, we also optimize the product for the final result. Like cropping, resizing, straightening, shadow-removing and reshaping we will apply these.
Neck joint in Photoshop
At first, you have to open two images that you want to manipulate. Open both the images of the front side and backside. Then you have to create a path for removing background alongside with mannequin. Press CTRL + J for creating a new layer. Then you have to press CTRL+ SHIFT + N for creating a new layer. In the next select the 2nd layer and press CTRL+ Delete. Then select the first layer again. Then go to the path and press CTRL.
In the later part, go back to layers option once again. Press on mask icon. You will notice that mannequin has been erased. After this press on the zoom icon from the left sidebar. Later zoom in the main object on upper parts.
Then make analyses which parts should be added from the back side. Then go back to the back side again and go back to the Selection part. After this, you need to select the upper part and press CTRL + X.
In the next step, you need to go back to the first image. Then paste the backside parts in a new layer. It will be renamed automatically as layer 3. Later part, merge Layer 3 into layer 1. You have to give some time in this part. Carefully, match the back part with the front part. You can press CTRL + T for adjustment. Resize it according to the front part.
You need to very careful about this. Resize it, move it, Crop it you can do anything but the thing is it should look like natural. This is not the whole stuff. Now go back to layer 3 and select it. Then you need to go in path option and press shortcut P from the keyboard. Then press CTRL and hold select path for delete, then mark the edges carefully. Go back to the path and type CTRL. Again go to layer 3 and merge it. Zoom on the picture again and inspect carefully is there any more edges available.
Then press CTRL and select layer 3 specifically. If there any edges noticed, then go back to layer 1.CTRL+ SHILF + I. Zoom on edges. Select the eraser tools to remove the remaining edges. But be careful when you are selecting a brush. For the pro result, you need to choose a thicker brush. The thick brush can help you to give a more accurate result. After removing all the edges there will be some mark of merging. Now it times to remove those marks. Remove those marks with brush tools that situated below the eraser on the left bar. Now it’s all done.
That was a basic tutorial about the Ghost mannequin effect. We try to cover just basic areas. For professional work, you need to spend lots of time getting the perfect result. If you don’t want to spend enough time on it and still you want to get the best result then the next part is for you
For ghost mannequin /neck joint service, we need 2/3 photos of the piece of clothing. One photograph is the front side picture subsequent to putting the article of clothing on a mannequin. Furthermore, the other picture will be the internal side of the neck part. On the off chance that the customer needs the posterior of the piece of clothing picture, at that point the third image of the rear of the article of clothing on a mannequin is required.
That is about ghost mannequin. This technique can increase your sells rapidly. Garment product looks so appealing and eye-catching by applying this technique. As it provides a full view of product customers can have a proper idea about shapes and designs. The more people view your product in detail the more people get engaged with your product. This a positive sign for any kind of business.
Our neck Joint Service
We are offering you a high-quality Neck joint service. ClippingUSA always follows you’re your full direction to satisfy you. Our most skilled professionals very carefully manage the total neck joint project. We also provide clipping path service, image masking, color correction, photo retouching, photo manipulation, image enhancement, shadow creation services. CUSA as well provide creative jobs as logo design, Raster to vector conversion service.
CLIPPING USA is the only one Image Editing Company offering you low-cost service with satisfactory output results. In this field of creative design and Photoshop image editing; Clipping USA is a successful and established company. Because of our professionalism, we are able to manage more than thousands of customers in different countries of the world.
We have an option of free trial to get an overall idea on our ability for the new clients. You can easily send us your free trial job to us by clicking our free trial page. If have any problem with this issue you can contact us without any hesitation. We are ready to serve.